Student Voice & Leadership
¹û¶³´«Ã½app¹Ù·½ Secondary College encourages students to undertake leadership roles and provides a structure and program for developing student skills in leadership.
The development of these skills is strongly supported through participation in leadership programs within the college and through our links with the local community. Student Leadership roles present enriching opportunities for our students to engage in positions of responsibility. They also present an opportunity for student voice, keeping with the strategic direction of the college.
Student Leaders at ¹û¶³´«Ã½app¹Ù·½ Secondary College are brought together by a common goal, and driven by a shared interest in giving back to the school and the wider community.
Students are encouraged to take and create opportunities, and to empower their peers through taking initiative and upholding the values of the school.
Student Leaders care for the needs of the student body by liaising with staff, organising lunch time events and fundraisers, and by facilitating and participating in community and college events. Student Leaders are of assistance to the staff and student body. They role model appropriate and positive student behaviour, and work towards making the school environment enjoyable and beneficial to all students.
At ¹û¶³´«Ã½app¹Ù·½ Secondary College we are proud of the way in which our student Leaders conduct themselves, grow in confidence and represent the school.
Student Leaders at ¹û¶³´«Ã½app¹Ù·½ Secondary College:
- Make a difference
- Role model exemplary behaviour
- Uphold the values of the school
- Influence and serve others in a positive way
- Actively seek leadership opportunities
- Learn and practice the skills required of effective leaders
- Inspire students to use leadership roles in serving the school and community
- See the importance of leadership in the school and broader society
- Foster collaborative leadership practice
Leadership Overview
At ¹û¶³´«Ã½app¹Ù·½ Secondary College there is a Student Leadership Team at each Year level 7 to 12.
The goal of each Student Leadership Team is to:
- To provide a forum for the expression of student opinion and thus encourage useful communication between the student body, the College Council and the staff
- To provide a group to coordinate student activities, in particular fundraising, social events, and student facilities
- To encourage active interest by students in college and community affairs
- To foster a strong college spirit
- Role model exemplary behaviour to the student body
- Represent the student body honestly and without bias
General Criteria for Student Leaders at ¹û¶³´«Ã½app¹Ù·½ Secondary College
- Strong work ethic and persistence
- Time management skills
- Capacity to prioritise
- Support for staff and their peers and be able to work in a team
- Capacity to be a continual learner
- Follow school rules: wearing the correct uniform, punctuality, positive attitude (respectful, confident, polite) and role model positive behaviour
- Think interdependently
- Demonstrate creativity, imagination and innovation
General Expectations of Student Leaders at ¹û¶³´«Ã½app¹Ù·½ Secondary College
- Represent the college to the wider community. e.g. College Open Days, Orientation Days, Information Nights etc.
- Be an active participant in school activities
- Communicate clearly with the student body and teachers
- Listen with understanding and empathy to their peers
- Represent the views of the student body by gathering information from a range of sources
- Respond with praise and feedback to the achievements of others
- Regularly and punctually attend weekly leadership meetings
- Assist in the planning of other college events as required
- Are courteous and role model exemplary behaviour
Leadership Structure – Year 12
The Year 12 Leadership team consists of twelve Captains (2 x College Captains, 2 x Deputy Captains, 2 x Wellbeing Captains, 2 x Arts Captains, 2 x Sports Captain and 2 x Music Captains), twelve House Captains and twelve College Prefects.
Captains and Prefects are provided with a wide range of opportunities to develop team and leadership skills, to work collaboratively developing whole school initiatives and to represent the school in a wide range of public and school contexts. As role models they are expected to exemplify the core values of the college, and mentor and support students in lower years.
Regular meetings provide valuable opportunities for students to contribute to whole school development. College Captains and Vice Captains lead the Year 12 Leadership Team and manage weekly meetings and Year Level Assemblies.
Captains and Prefects undertake a range of roles and school and community events, and are encouraged to develop individual projects for the benefit of the college. The Captains are responsible for representing the college at public forums, for fostering school spirit and traditions, for being a role model for other students, and for promoting student participation in college activities such as performing arts and sporting events.
The Senior Student Leadership Team meets with the Principal on a regular basis, and convenes meetings of their individual teams. School Captains also attend School Council meetings, at which they represent the student body, throughout the year.
Student Leadership – Years 9, 10 &11
Student Leadership Teams at Years 9, 10 and 11 provide opportunities for students to become involved in activities within the college and community such as Student Voice projects, fundraisers, college events, competitions and the running of their assemblies. Students have the opportunity to work together with students in different year levels, and gain new skills knowledge during their role as a Student Leader.
The primary goal of the Student Leadership teams is to work collaboratively towards making their college a safe and enjoyable learning environment. Student leaders gain confidence and new leadership and public speaking skills and knowledge which will assist them in school and beyond.
Student leaders are involved in projects and campaigns that will have an impact globally and also in their local and school community.
Student Leadership Groups are supported by the Head of Student Leadership, Year Level Coordinators and Activities Coordinators.
Student Leadership – Junior Campus
Student Leaders at ¹û¶³´«Ã½app¹Ù·½ Secondary College:
- Make a difference
- Role model excellent behaviour
- Uphold the values of the school
- Make a positive influence
- Seek leadership opportunities
- Practice the skills required to be an effective leader
- Inspire students to serve the community
- See the importance of leadership
- Work together
°Õ³ó±ðÌý²µ´Ç²¹±ôÌýof each Student Leadership Team is to:
- To provide a forum for the expression of student opinion
- Coordinate student activities, in particular fundraising, social events, and student facilities
- To encourage others to have an active interest in the college and community
- To foster a strong college spirit
- Role model exemplary behaviour to the student body
- Represent the student body honestly and without bias
If you would like to get involved in students leadership and you would like some ideas on how to get started please contact Mr Grant via email at
Mount Matters
Mount Matters is a student-led student voice initiative that seeks to listen to the voices of all students at the school. It was initially developed and rolled out by the Year 10 and 11 Leadership Teams in 2016-17.
Mount Matters involves fortnightly student-led focus groups at each year level with representatives from each class and culminates with a Mount Matters forum (all of the groups together) every 10 weeks. At the forum the Mount Matters and Student Leaders present their findings and recommendations to staff, students and the school leadership team (including the Principal Class and Business Manager).
Mount Matters representatives also often collaborate with staff about their inquiry topics. For example, in the past the Year 11 team has presented to 120 teachers about the topic of Homework. They shared with the teachers that students wanted to be given homework and saw the value in it, but they wanted to be able to see how the homework related to the learning in the classroom, and wanted the teachers to be aware and mindful of the amount of work they were being given as homework in each of their different subjects.