Students are offered the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) and the new VCE Vocational Major (VM).  The VCE and the VCE VM include a challenging curriculum that supports our young people to engage in a successful pathway.

Click on the below video’s to learn more about VCE and VCE Vocational Major


Year 11


The VCE ATAR course consists of six subjects (i.e. 12 units)

  • Students complete a VCE English Study Unit 1 and 2 from the English group
  • Five other VCE subjects

The opportunity exists for students to select a VCE Unit 3 and 4 subject providing selection criteria are met.

VCE Vocational Major (VM)

The VCE VM course consists of six subjects (i.e. 12 units)

  • 4 Core Unit 1&2 VCE VM Subjects: Literacy, Numeracy, Personal Development, Work Related Skills
  • 1 VCE Unit 1&2 VCE (students are encouraged to select a subject related to their chosen vocation eg: Wood Technology to support a VET Building and Construction)
  • A compulsory VET (Vocational Education and Training) certificate delivered by an external provider
  • Compulsory Structured Workplace Learning (1 x two-week block per semester)


Year 12


The VCE Year 12 course consists of five subjects (i.e. 10 units)

  • Students complete an English Study Unit 3 and 4
  • Students complete four other VCE studies

VCE Vocational Major (VM)

The VCE VM Course consists of 5 subjects (i.e. 10 units)

  • Unit 3 & 4 Vocational Major Literacy, Numeracy, Personal Development Skills, Work Related Skills
  • Compulsory VET (Vocational Education and Training) certificate delivered by an external provided
  • Compulsory Structured Workplace Learning (1 day per week for the duration of the year)




VET Programs

Students also have access to Vocational Education and Training (VET) subjects. VET programs give young people a wider choice of learning approaches and studies in the VCE, and broaden their post-school options. Students can access VET studies as part of their VCE program at the college.

¹û¶³´«Ã½app¹Ù·½ for further information.