¹û¶³´«Ã½app¹Ù·½ Secondary College places a high value on student learning and academic growth which is at the forefront of everything we do.

Developing each student’s potential and ability to the fullest is strengthened by the integration of digital technologies as educational tools.  Digital learning devices provide opportunities for the development of essential learning skills such as collaboration, communication, creativity and problem-solving, enhancing student learning. It will allow our students to;

  • Collect information
  • Create Connections
  • Expand understanding



Year 7- 9 Digital Learning

Year 7 students in 2025 will use a hybrid device to support their learning.

There are many factors for the college to consider when comparing different technological device.  The college wanted a device that was personal, engaging and could be used all day. The hybrid device meets these requirements.

There are many reasons why the college has made this decision. Some of the key reasons include;



  • A technological learning tool
  • Access to rich resources
  • Greater scope for student self-directed learning
  • Opportunities to collaborate
  • Ability to annotate work
  • Used anytime and anywhere
  • Long battery life
  • Lightweight & Portable
  • No moving parts
  • Stylus provides versatility
  • Intuitive – ease of use
  • Student are familiar with this technology
  • Very appealing to students
  • Personal responsibility of students for device and content
  • Prepare students for a technology-rich society


The device will be owned and maintained by the student.  The college has established a partnership with a local business, Learning With Technologies LWT) which will be responsible for the supply and maintenance of the device. The cost of the package from LWT include the device and warranty, with a range of extra accessories available.

Students will be able to utilise a range of software applications and programs on the device. The device will be used in all subjects from year 7 to 9.

As a college, we are excited to continue this program as it is proven enhance our students’ skills and capabilities and allow them to engage deeper in their learning.


Year 10 – 12 Digital Learning

In Years 10-12 the expectation is that students will bring a device that has sufficient capacity to operate web-based applications such as Google Docs; YouTube; view and store all eBooks; load personal software, if required and store multimedia and other data.  The BYOD program is a vital part of the curriculum offered at the college.

We recognise that at this point in education each student has differing needs. This is why we are giving students the ability to choose, from approved devices.

The college has designed teaching and learning program around web-based interfaces. This means that all students should be able to access and complete their work from anywhere, so long as they have access to a web browser.

Our supplier, Learning With Technologies (LWT), has a range of devices available to support each student’s learning program.  Before purchasing a device please consider

  1. Does my device suit my subject needs?
  2. What sort of warranty does my device have?
  3. Will my device allow me to type easily?
  4. Does my device have relevant inputs? e.g. USB?
  5. Does my device have adequate storage?
  6. Does my device stay charged all day?
  7. Can I easily read a pdf or eBook?
  8. Does it have capacity to view and edit multimedia, if required?